Community Toolkit

One of our Founding Principles is to “put municipalities in the position to fend off large scale solar and wind projects (so we protect our farmland, pastures, sacred lands, historic & cultural resources, woodlots, wetlands & water bodies, and prevent harm to our environment and ecosystem)” 

Large scale wind and s0lar projects can be harmful to small, rural communities. They destroy forest and farmland, devalue our historic & cultural sites, homes, and businesses. By removing farmland from effective production, they remove the primary economic engine of these communities, putting people out of work and threatening the businesses supporting the agricultural community.

This page will provide tools and strategies for municipalities & community groups to use to defend their communities and assure the best outcome for residents. Our first such tool is our sample solar law, below.  Please contact us at share your effective strategies or for any questions you may have. 

Hometown park

Town Solar Law

Our Sample Solar Law can be found below, along with a short summary of how to best utilize it for your town.

Knowledge: Get the facts about Wind & Solar

Wind & Solar are inefficient technologies that will lay waste to hundreds of thousands of acres of forest and farmland without making the electric grid reliable or empowering it to meet NY’s needs.

Traversing the Bureaucracy — How to interact with ORES, etc.

An important part of responding to a threat to your community from large-scale wind & solar is participating in the administrative processes surrounding these assaults. The left button below provides summary guidance from Stop Energy Sprawl on how to participate. The other buttons link to more detailed resources published by the Office of Renewable Energy Siting.

Stop Back for additional Stop Energy Sprawl Community Tools

See You Soon!